Aravind Eye Hospital-Chennai

One of the major events held in commemoration of Dr. V’s birth centenary was the establishment of Aravind-Chennai in September 2017. The largest among all Aravind Eye Hospitals, Aravind-Chennai is a modern facility equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment equipment. The facility also houses a section exclusively for the underprivileged, offering services for free or at steeply subsidised rates.
The physical environment and infrastructure developed at Aravind-Chennai, is a reflection of the values for which the organisation stand for – transparency, integrity, and compassionate care. The facility will serve as a centre of excellence in eye care service delivery, training eye care professionals and disseminating the latest and best practices in eye care.
In the year ending March 2021, Aravind-Chennai handled around 235,265 outpatient visits and performed 30,497 surgeries.
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Base Hospital
Aravind Eye Hospital - Chennai
Doctors, Aravind-Chennai
Chief Medical Officer
Medical Consultants
Medical Consultants
Medical Consultants
Chief Medical Officer
Medical Consultants
Medical Consultants
Medical Consultants
Specialty Clinics, Aravind-Chennai
Vision Centres, Aravind-Chennai
Vision centres are small, permanent facilities that provide eye care services to remote and rural communities. Manned by ophthalmic technicians, these telemedicine-assisted centres allow patients in rural areas to consult ophthalmologists at the base hospital, thus eliminating the need for patients to travel to hospital (unless more advanced treatment is needed).
Vision centres managed by Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai:
Manali Vision Centre
Name : Manali
Address : No. 7, Vimalapuram 3rd street, Manali, Chennai - 600 068
Phone : 044 25941497
Ennore Vision Centre
Name : Ennore
Address : No. 90, Kaveri Nagar, Kaththivakkam Highways, Ennore, Chennai - 600 057044 25751255
Phone : 044 25751255
Puzhal Vision Centre
Name : Puzhal
Address : No. 72, Gandhi Main Road, Puzhal, Chennai - 600 066
Phone : 044 29993799
Cholavaram Vision Centre
Name : Cholavaram
Address : No. 10, PKC Complex, GNT Road, Cholavaram, Chennai - 600 067
Phone : 044 29990774
Training, Aravind-Chennai
News & Events, Aravind-Chennai

Paediatric Opthalmology Update
Aravind- Chennai, Tuesday, 12 April 2022 Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai, in association with Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), Kancheepuram district conducted the programme at Kancheepuram. It was attended by 39 members of IMA and IAP, majority of whom where paediatricians and general ophthalmologists. It was [...]
New Vision Centres
Aravind – Chennai, Thursday, 31 March 2022 Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai opened its fifth and sixth vision centre at Korukkupet and Madhavaram respectively on April 12 and both the centres are funded by Rotary Club. Officials from the Rotary club of Madras East participated in the grand opening of the [...]

World Glaucoma Week 2022
Aravind - Chennai, 06 - 12 March 2022 Glaucoma specialists and MLOPs along with the Admin team planned and arranged for an elaborate standee displays. Charts with awareness messages on glaucoma were exhibited at the glaucoma registration counter. Glaucoma awareness badge was worn by the team for the whole week. [...]

Women’s Day Celebration
Aravind, Tuesday, 08 March 2022 Dr. Indra Nedumaran, a leading obstetrician and gynaecologist delivered a special talk to MLOPs. covering topics like menstruation, poly cystic ovary syndrome, personal hygiene & general health. The talk was followed by a Question & Answer session, in which the MLOPs participated actively. At Aurolab, [...]

Eye Bank Opened at Aravind-Chennai
Aravind-Chennai, Monday, 14 February 2022 Aravind-Chennai opened a state-of-the-art eye bank and the new facility was inaugurated by Dr. Venkatesh Prajna, Chief, Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services, Aravind-Madurai. The eye bank will be closely working with hospitals and community volunteers for harvesting corneas.

Ocular Prosthesis Unit Inaugurated
Aravind-Chennai, Monday, 14 February 2022 Aravind-Chennai opened an Ocular Prosthesis Unit and the facility was inaugurated by Dr. Usha Kim, Chief, Orbit & Oculoplasty Services, Aravind-Madurai.

Inauguration of 2nd Floor and Expansion of Out-patient Services
Aravind-Chennai, Monday, 14 February 2022 Aravind Eye Hospital, Chennai expanded its out-patient services with the inauguration of the second floor. The second floor spanning 40,000 square feet is the new home to the Retina and Vitreous Clinic; Glaucoma Clinic and Paediatric Ophthalmology and Squint Clinic. The new clinics were inaugurated [...]

New Year & Pongal Celebration
Aravind – Chennai, Saturday, 01 January 2022 New Year & Pongal Celebration was organized at Aravind Eye Hospital Chennai on 1st January 2022. The Program started with a Prayer song followed by Dance by MLOPs, Debate, Skit on Escorting, Song (Grandparents & Grandchild relationship) and poem written for G.V Sir. [...]