World Glaucoma Week 2022

Aravind – Chennai, 06 – 12 March 2022
Glaucoma specialists and MLOPs along with the Admin team planned and arranged for an elaborate standee displays. Charts with awareness messages on glaucoma were exhibited at the glaucoma registration counter. Glaucoma awareness badge was worn by the team for the whole week.
To encourage patients to go through the content of the displays, a questionnaire was given asking them to try answering. Nearly 200 patients visited the exhibition each day. Patients who performed well were given plants as gift. A photo booth was arranged for patients’ entertainment.
Awareness talks on Glaucoma were given by Dr. Preeti on Rainbow FM and recorded messages were shared by Dr. Neethu and Dr. Madhuri on Suriyan FM and Big FM. SMS/WhatsApp messages on family screening were sent to nearly 600 relatives of glaucoma patients. A painting session was also conducted for the doctors.