What is Ptosis?

Eyelid drooping (Ptosis) is when the upper eyelid droops over the eye. In mild forms, the eyelid hangs abnormally low but doesn’t affect vision. In severe cases, this droop can be so low that it covers the eye and blocks vision.

Types of Eyelid Droop:

There are two types of eyelid droop: congenital and acquired.

Congenital eyelid droop is the most common type of droop. It is seen at birth. Babies can be born with ptosis if their eyelid muscles are too weak to hold the eyelid open.

Acquired eyelid droop: There are many types, but the most common is age-related. Over time, the eyelid muscles can weaken, so the eyelid starts to droop.

Causes & Risk Factors:

Both congenital and acquired eyelid droop are commonly caused by weak eyelid muscles.

Risk factors include:

  • Old age (for acquired eyelid droop)
  • Injury
  • Surgery
  • Muscular disease
  • Neurological disease

If your child has congenital eyelid droop, get their eyes checked by an eye doctor for other disorders. In some cases, ptosis may be linked to other eye conditions.

The symptoms of the Ptosis are:

  • Upper eyelid drooping
  • Raising the chin to see properly
  • Poor vision from refractive errors
  • Squint

Without treatment, ptosis can slowly decrease vision. It should be treated as soon as possible.

Surgery is strongly recommended for severe eyelid droop. It is a safe, effective way to improve your quality of life. In all cases, surgery makes the eyelids look normal. This boosts confidence and makes it easier to lead a normal life. If your eyelid covers your eyes, surgery will also raise the eyelid so it no longer blocks your vision!

Key Points to Remember:

  • Eyelid droop is easily treated with surgery
  • Surgery boosts confidence and improves quality of life
  • It should be treated as soon as possible.

What is the exact cause of my ptosis?

The exact cause in children is not known. Children may develop Ptosis if the muscles in their upper eyelids do not develop properly before birth. In older people, the skin, tissue and muscles may loosen as the body ages. Eye injury can also cause ptosis at any age.

What is the treatment for ptosis?

For most cases, surgery is the only option.

Is surgery urgently required?

In small children: If the central black part of the eye (the pupil) is covered by the eyelid, surgery should be done as soon as possible. This is to avoid the risk of lazy eye.

In other patients: Surgery is less urgent. If you also have a cataract, then the ptosis surgery will be done after the cataract surgery.

Will the operated lid perfectly match the other eyelid after surgery?

The operated eyelid will more or less match the other lid in appearance. It may not be an exact copy. Initially, the movements of the operated eyelid will not match the natural eyelid, but this will improve over time.

Is it a major or minor procedure?

Ptosis surgery is a minor procedure that is used to lift the drooping eyelid. The eye is not touched during the operation. But if the surgery is done on a child, it requires general anaesthesia, so the related complications should be kept in mind.

Can both eyes be operated on at the same time?

Yes.  It can be.

After the operation, I noticed that my child’s eye remains partially open, especially at night. Will this damage the eye? Is it permanent? What is the cause?

In order to lift the eyelid, the lid must be pulled up during surgery. For this reason, the eye may remain open at night, especially just after the surgery. To prevent eye damage, you should use the prescribed ointment at night. It will gradually improve with time.

Can the lid droop again after surgery?

Yes. Sometimes the shortened tissue may also become loose. In this case, another simple procedure can be used to tighten the eyelid.

How soon after surgery can I resume normal activities?

As soon as the swelling subsides, the patient can start normal activities, like reading and watching TV. It is best to keep the child home from school until the stitches/sutures are removed. This may take about 2 weeks.

Can the patient read/watch TV after surgery?

Yes. There is no harm in reading or watching TV. However, patients should avoid straining the eyes.