International Workshop on “Data Science and Modern Biology”

Aravind Medical Research Foundation, 20 – 21 December 2021 |
The International Workshop on “Data Science and Modern Biology” was organized by Dr. A. Vanniarajan at Aravind Medical Research Foundation on Dec 20-21. It was a hybrid meeting with 70 participants attending in person and the guest lectures and mini-workshops conducted online. Dr. A. Vanniarajan welcomed the gathering and Prof. K. Dharmalingam described the need for the workshop in the era of big-data. Three speakers, Dr. G. Kumaramanickavel from Narayana Nethralaya, Bengaluru, Dr. S. Karutha Pandian from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, and Dr. D. Bharanidharan, AMRF, Madurai delivered their lectures in person. Eight speakers including three from UK participated online and delivered their lectures on the virtual mode. Since one of the objectives of the meeting is to inculcate the research aptitude among the young scholars, a special session was organised for interaction of the research scholars with the experts. The workshop on “Single Cell-Omics and spatial transcriptome profiling” conducted by Premas Life Sciences introduced the new field of Visium technology for transcriptome studies using archival samples. Another workshop on “Nanostring technology” by TheraCues team covered the different aspects of gene expression studies from sample preparation to data generation along with its utility in disease biology.
Invited Talks:
Dr. Kumaramanickavel. G, Narayana Nethralaya, Bengaluru
– DNA data science in clinical application
Prof. Karuthapandian. S, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
– Piperine – the spicy molecule for the oral care
Dr. Thiyagarajan. S, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, Bengaluru
– Applications of Data Science in Drug Discovery
Dr. Balasubramanyam. M, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
– Data Science, New Biology Insights & Precision Medicine with special reference to Diabetes and its Complications
Dr. Bethany Mills, University of Edinburgh, UK
– Reimagining Diagnosis of Infection: Utilising Optical Molecular SmartProbes from the Lung to the Cornea
Prof. Rachel Williams, University of Liverpool, UK
– The Role of Biomaterials in the Eye
Prof. Kumaravel Somasundaram, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
– Cancer stem-like cells: understanding tumor cellular hierarchy and plasticity
Dr. Anilkumar. P, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Kerala
– Advanced Biofabrication of Functional Tissues by 3D Bioprinting
Dr.Chitraa Tangavel, Ganga Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation, Coimbatore
– Untargeted Metabolome (LC-MS/MS ) profiling of avascular host tissue – insights on bacterial metabolites
Dr. Bharanidharan. D, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai
– Genomic Data analysis of Ocular Bacterial Pathogens
Prof. Colin Willoughby, Ulster University, UK
– Characterising the TGFß-induced microRNAome of the trabecular meshwork