Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF), a research arm of Aravind Eye care System (AECS), is a registered society enhancing education and research. The combination of high clinical load with abundant biological samples for research, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities make AMRF a unique organization for conducting basic and translational research. AMRF has the necessary infrastructure and a dedicated band of scientists to conduct cutting edge research in eye care. Basic and translational research are being carried out with active coordination of various disciplines and expertise – Molecular Genetics, Microbiology, Immunology, Proteomics, Ocular Pharmacology, Stem Cell Biology and Bioinformatics. AMRF offers PhD program in the above disciplines in affiliation with neighbouring Universities. Key findings of research that has been translated for patient care include establishment of a genetic testing centre for retinoblastoma, genetic counselling for albinism and biomarkers for age related eye diseases.
With the advent of high-throughput technologies, the field of medicine has been witnessing a major revolution in terms of diagnosis, therapeutics and treatment. This advanced course is designed to provide hands-on experience towards understanding cellular events through omic approaches in normal and diseased state. Human cell lines will be used for the Genomic, Transcriptomic and Proteomic analysis. At the completion of the course, the participants will be equipped to employ this integrated approach in their research work.
Tissue Culture – Maintenance of Cell Lines, Establishment of Disease Models
Genomics – Sanger Sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing
Transcriptomics – Gene Expression Analysis, Real Time PCR
Proteomics – 2D Electrophoresis, Mass Spectrometry
Bioinformatics – Omics Data Analysis
– AMRF Scientists (www.amrf.org.in)
– Clinicians from AECS (www.aravind.org)
– Invited Experts
i. M.Sc – Any branch of Life Sciences
ii. B Tech/ M Tech Biotechnology
Rs. 30000 (DD/Cheque in favour of “Aravind Medical Research Foundation” payable at Madurai)
- Registration fee does not include accommodation and food.
- Number of participants will be limited and selection will be based on interview @ centres -Madurai, Coimbatore, Chennai, Pondicherry