
Consultancy Visit

Lucknow, January 10-12

Mr.Thulasiraj Ravilla, Executive Director and Mr.Suresh Kumar, Faculty visited Sitapur Eye Hospital to describe LAICO’s capacity building programme and share examples of its impact with District Eye Relief Society Eye Hospitals set up by Sitapur and branches of Sitapur hospital in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The visit also aimed to gauge the willingness of participating hospitals to be a part of LAICO’s Capacity Building initiative to enhance their services.

Management Priorities for Heads of Eye Hospitals

LAICO, January 19-25

LAICO conducted the course for the heads of eye hospitals. A total of 37 participants from eye hospitals in Philippines, Afghanistan, Nepal and India participated. Valedictory function was held on January 25 and the certificates were distributed to all participants.