Postgraduate residents of Aravind regularly engage in social responsibility initiatives to do their part in uplifting the lives of the underprivileged communities. The programme titled Vaanavil this time had a unique exhibition-cum-sale of items manufactured by the visually challenged women in Trichy, arranged in the LAICO building. The event was a huge success; it provided a unique shopping experience and at the same time a sense of satisfaction for the staff that they too could contribute to a noble cause.
Community outreach activities remain the cornerstone of Aravind’s high volume work. Extensive and meticulous planning is required to organise outreach eye camps in a foolproof and comprehensive manner. Towards this the staff of outreach departments across the Aravind centres are brought together on a common platform and this time the meet was held at Aravind-Chennai.
There has been a consistent effort to develop a culture of innovation at Aravind over the past few years. Aravind-Pondicherry for the fourth consecutive time hosted a Hackathon for staff to brainstorm innovative ideas and develop prototypes, in collaboration with prestigious engineering institutes.
News about these and many more feature in this issue.