
AMRF – Dartmouth Education and Research Conference

AMRF, November 29-30

Aravind Medical Research Foundation conducted a two day Education and Research Conference in collaboration with Dartmouth College. This conference is a unique activity wherein two institutions shared educational and research activities, which would pave the way for future collaborative research projects. The conference was organized by Prof. K. Dharmalingam, Director-Research, and co-ordinated by Dr. D. Bharanidharan, Scientist-Microbiology and Bioinformatics, AMRF and Ms. Dawn E. Carey, Associate Director, Global Health and Development, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.
Eleven students from Dartmouth College presented research proposals on various eye diseases to clinicians, scientists and research scholars. Research work at AMRF was presented as posters by research scholars. The details of the core research facilities and ongoing research projects at AMRF were presented.