Visit to Eye Hospitals
Dr. Dayakar Yadella, Aravind-Pondicherry and R. Suresh Kumar, LAICO visited H V Desai Eye Hospital, Pune (October 14-16) and Tejas Eye Hospital, Surat (October 17-19). Both the hospitals are part of the Leap Vision Centre collaborative and the purpose of the visit was to analyse the performance of the vision centres of these hospitals, review the ideas implemented and identify gaps and challenges and derive solutions. The team also conducted training for the vision entre staff of H V Desai Hospital in which 50 staff took part.
Dr. Kalpana Narendran, Aravind-Coimbatore; D. Yesunesan, LAICO ; Vignesh, Aravind-Coimbatore and Israel Gnanaraj, Managing Director, Design Collaborative were at Sudarshan Netralaya, Amreli to understand the hospital’s growth potential, current gaps and challenges and develop an action plan to address these. The team conducted a full-fledged performance review on various indicators after understanding and analysing the annual performance data. They also analysed the hospital’s infrastructure requirements and the need for adding more services in near future.
K.M.Sashi Priya, LAICO; Dr. A. Kowsalya, Aravind-Madurai and Sr. Shanmugam visited City Eye Hospital, Nairobi and Kisii Eye Hospital, Kisii, Kenya from October 7 to 19 to help set up vision centres and provide inputs for the efficient running of these centres.