Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology & Ocular Prosthetic Services, is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that handles anomalies of lids, lacrimal drainage system, extra ocular structures, bony orbit and other ocular adnexa. In the last 20 years, the clinic has seen over 377,000 patients and performed over 117,000 surgeries.
The department has excellent support facilities, diagnostic equipment like Ultrasound A & B Scan, X-ray unit, CT scan, MRI (in collaboration), well established Ocular Microbiology, Pathology, Immunology and Genetic labs. Standard surgical theatre is provided with operating microscope, surgical lights, fiber optic light, bipolar and unipolar cautery unit, Ellman Radio frequency cutting- coagulating system, latest state of the art Navigation system and endoscopic surgery equipment with radiotherapy (in collaboration) and chemotherapy facilities.