
Observing World Diabetes Day

November 14

Aravind centres organised programmes such as special lectures and exhibitions to create awareness amongst the public on diabetes, its complications and its impact on eye health. Several centres organised free diabetic retinopathy screening camps and family screening camps for staff and employees.

Observing World Prematurity Day

As part of observing World Prematurity Day, Aravind Eye Hospitals -Theni and Coimbatore organised an awareness week from November 17 to create to make people aware of the importance of  early and prompt screening and treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP). Awareness posters and charts explaining RoP, its stages and treatment were created and displayed in the hospital premises. Awareness talks and exhibitions were arranged.

Observing Patient Safety Week

Aravind-Pondicherry, October 20-31

Aravind-Pondicherry is constantly doing incremental work to achieve zero errors in its eye care delivery. As part of observing patient safety fortnight, various events to reinforce the importance of patient safety measures were organised for the staff.

Dr.R.Venkatesh, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind-Pondicherry addressed the patient safety team and gave a motivational talk. Detailed discussions on patient safety practices, incident reporting and root cause analysis were facilitated by Dr. Fredrick Mouttapa, Senior Consultant, Department of Paediatric Ophthalmology. An awareness session on needle stick injury and patient safety practices was arranged for all doctors including residents and fellows.  A similar session was arranged for MLOPs too. Many key areas of possible errors have been identified and reminders in the form of alert stickers have been introduced in the patient examination areas and in the medical records department to minimise the scope for errors.

Toward’s Excellence Workshop

Aravind-Chennai, November 2, 2021

Aravind-Chennai organised this half-day workshop involving the heads, medical consultants and senior fellows of all the departments. The main objective was to discuss plans for organizational/departmental/individual development for the next 5 years.

Dr.Aravind, Chief Medical Officer set the context for the workshop with a brief presentation on the organisation’s roadmap of accomplishments in the past 4 years. Two breakout sessions were held where the participants in groups discussed plans for development and presented their aspirations.

V-Drill Workshop

Aravind-Madurai, November 12-13

The workshop was organised for operation theatre MLOPs to make them understand the importance of anterior vitrectomy, its management, features in vitrectomy machines and how to make use of it the best way.  Dr.Vinitha Rashme took sessions and conducted viva with the help of Alcon faculty team.

Phaco Development Workshop

Aravind-Madurai, November 26 -27

Cataract and IOL Services, Aravind-Madurai conducted Phaco development workshop for MS residents. A total of 15 participants took part. Lecture sessions were taken by Dr.Aruna Pai and Dr.Pathakamuri Brahmani. Faculty from Alcon handled the practical sessions.

Knowledge Assessment for MLOPs

Aravind-Madurai, November 26

To evaluate MLOPs knowledge and to give them an opportunity to update themselves, an examination was conducted for all MLOP employees of Aravind-Madurai. MLOPs were divided into two batches and the examinations were held in different venues. A separate question paper was prepared for the Housekeeping MLOPs. A total of 415 MLOPs took the examination and from this, the best 30 performers were selected for the quiz competition. They were divided into 5 teams. The quiz consisted of five rounds and a total of 50 questions which included those related to clinical topics, NABH, Aravind centres, photo quiz and connections. Team consisting of Sr.Devi (Counsellor), Sr.Anusuya devi (OP), Sr.Jegadeeswari (Refraction), Sr.Durga devi (Glaucoma OP), Sr.Tamilselvi (MRD), Sr.Muthukani (Housekeeper) was the winner.  Team consisting of Mr.Gopinath (Opticals), Sr.Pandiammal (OP), Sr.Sumathi (Retina counseling), Sr.Prabha (Refraction), Sr.Gayathri (Ward) and Sr.Shruthi (Housekeeping) was the runner up. Winner and runner up were appreciated with prizes by Dr.Kim.

Importance of Professional Skills for Counsellors

Aravind-Coimbatore, November 14

Around 50 counsellors from Coimbatore, Tirupur, Udumalpet and Salem participated in this session which was handled by Mr.Mathikannan, a professional trainer. He emphasized the importance of listening, communication skills, being empathetic and how this could facilitate a change in the counselling approach and outcome.  Through role plays and games, he made the participants understand the importance of counselling skills. 

Rangoli as a Tool for Teaching

Aravind-Madurai, November 14

As an innovative way of imparting learning, the MLOP Training Division of Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai experimented with a unique rangoli competition wherein MLOPs were asked to draw pictures of the anatomy of the eye. Necessary training was given before the competition. Winners of the competition were awarded.

Hospital Day Celebration

Aravind-Madurai, December 4

Aravind-Madurai had  its 45th annual day celebration as a simple function organised mainly to recognise the efforts of staff and employees who completed five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty years of service.

Freshers’ Day

Aravind-Pondicherry, November 1

Newly recruited MLOPs celebrated Freshers’ Day with a variety of cultural programmes. Dr. K.Veena, Chief, Paediatric Ophthalmology Clinic; Dr. S. Josephine Christy, Cornea Consultant; A. Sumathi, Manager-HRD; and R.V. Selvarani, Nursing Superintendent took part in the event.

Children’s Day Celebration

November 14 is celebrated as Children’s Day all over India.

The Paediatric Ophthalmology clinics at Aravind Eye Hospital, Tirunelveli, Coimbatore, Madurai and Chennai celebrated Children’s Day engaging their patients in the most meaningful way. Various competitions were conducted for the children and prizes were distributed. Awareness programmes stressed the importance of proper eye care and the harmful effects of gadgets on eye health. Common eye problems in children were also discussed during the awareness sessions.

Awareness Session on Dental Care

Aravind-Chennai, September 24

The session was organised for MLOPs in collaboration with Saveetha Dental College. Dr. Shusanthi and Dr. Indhumathi from Saveetha Dental College handled the session. MLOPs interacted with the doctors to clarify their doubts.